Cheap Flights deals

How to Book Cheap Flights

Traveling is one of life’s greatest joys, but the cost of flights can sometimes put a damper on your plans. Don’t worry, though! With a bit of savvy planning and some insider tips, you can find great deals and book cheap flights without breaking the bank. Here’s your comprehensive guide to making your next adventure more affordable.

Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates

Flexibility is your best friend when it comes to scoring cheap flights. Prices can vary significantly depending on the time of year, day of the week, and even the time of day you choose to fly. Traveling during off-peak times, like mid-week or outside of major holidays, can help you snag lower fares. Use fare comparison tools, such as Google Flights or Skyscanner, to find the cheapest dates to travel.

Use Flight Comparison Websites

Don’t settle for the first fare you find. Flight comparison websites aggregate deals from various airlines, helping you find the best prices available. Websites like Kayak, Momondo, and Hopper are excellent resources. Remember to check multiple sites, as prices can vary slightly between them.

Set Fare Alerts

Fare alerts are a game-changer. They notify you when prices drop for your desired routes. Tools like Airfarewatchdog, Skyscanner, and Google Flights allow you to set up alerts based on your travel preferences. Once you receive a notification, be ready to book quickly, as low fares can disappear fast.

Book in Advance

While last-minute deals can sometimes be found, booking in advance is generally a safer bet for cheaper flights. The sweet spot for booking is typically 1-3 months before domestic flights and 2-8 months before international flights. This timing allows you to lock in lower prices before they start to rise as the departure date approaches.

Consider Nearby Airports

Expanding your search to include nearby airports can reveal better deals. Sometimes, flying into or out of a smaller or alternative airport can save you a substantial amount of money. Use tools like Kayak’s “Nearby Airports” feature to see if this strategy works for your trip. Remember to factor in any additional ground transportation costs.

Take Advantage of Airline Sales and Deals

Airlines frequently run sales and promotional deals. Keep an eye on airline websites, sign up for newsletters, and follow airlines on social media to stay informed about upcoming sales. Joining airline loyalty programs can also provide access to exclusive discounts and offers.

Use Incognito Mode for Searching Flights

Did you know that flight prices can increase based on your search history? Using incognito mode or clearing your browser cookies can prevent this. When you search for flights in a private browsing window, you’ll often see more consistent pricing, as websites won’t track your searches.

Consider Budget Airlines

Budget airlines can offer significant savings, especially for shorter trips. While these airlines may have fewer frills and additional fees for things like checked baggage, the savings on the base fare can be substantial. Research airlines like Ryanair, EasyJet, and Spirit to find budget-friendly options. Just be sure to read the fine print regarding fees.

Use Points and Miles

Frequent flyer miles and credit card points can be your ticket to cheap or even free flights. Accumulate points through everyday spending, sign-up bonuses, and loyalty programs. When you’re ready to travel, redeem these points for flights. Websites like The Points Guy offer tips on maximizing your points and finding the best redemption deals.

Check for Package Deals

Sometimes booking your flight and hotel together as a package can lead to discounts. Travel websites like Expedia, Travelocity, and Orbitz offer bundled deals that can save you money compared to booking separately. This strategy works particularly well for popular tourist destinations.

Be Open to Layovers

Non-stop flights are convenient, but they’re not always the cheapest option. Being open to layovers can reduce your flight costs significantly. Use search filters on flight comparison websites to find flights with layovers. Just ensure that the layover times are manageable and don’t add excessive travel time to your trip.

Look for Error Fares

Error fares occur when airlines accidentally publish incorrect prices. These mistakes can result in incredibly cheap flights. Websites like Secret Flying and Scott’s Cheap Flights specialize in finding and sharing these error fares. If you spot one, book quickly before the airline corrects the price.

Travel Light

Packing light can save you money on baggage fees, especially with budget airlines. Stick to carry-on luggage whenever possible and familiarize yourself with the airline’s baggage policies. Efficient packing techniques, such as rolling clothes and using packing cubes, can help you maximize space.


Booking cheap flights doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By being flexible with your travel dates, using flight comparison websites, setting fare alerts, and considering alternative options like nearby airports and budget airlines, you can significantly cut your travel costs. Add in some savvy use of points and miles, and you’re well on your way to exploring the world without emptying your wallet. Happy travels!


What is the best time to book flights for the lowest price?

The best time to book flights is typically 1-3 months before domestic trips and 2-8 months before international journeys. This period offers a balance between availability and price.

Are budget airlines safe to fly with?

Yes, budget airlines are generally safe. They operate under the same regulatory standards as major airlines. However, they may offer fewer amenities and have stricter baggage policies.

How do fare alerts help in finding cheap flights?

Fare alerts notify you when there are price drops for your selected routes. This allows you to book at the lowest possible price without constantly checking fares.

Can I really save money by using nearby airports?

Yes, flying into or out of nearby airports can often be cheaper. Just consider the cost and convenience of additional ground transportation.

What should I do if I find an error fare?

If you find an error fare, book it immediately. These fares are typically honored but can be corrected quickly by the airline.